Design learning or design your own learning?  How do you meet your 21st century educational needs?

Design learning or design your own learning? How do you meet your 21st century educational needs?

School, college, university. One of life’s little conveyor belts, where you go to study, do some exams and hopefully learn a few things along the way. But once you move from the world of formal education into the workplace, the day to day routine of formal study begins to slip away into the world of…

Why an understanding of anthropology is key to creating better technology

Why an understanding of anthropology is key to creating better technology

One of the key themes of the 21st century to date, has been the creation of a more ‘global’ and ‘connected’ worldwide community. Advancements in technology have enabled many on the planet to communicate, transact business and study pretty much 24/7. However, creating technology that is actually useful for business, education and society as a…

Has the time come for our keyboards to do less of the talking?

Has the time come for our keyboards to do less of the talking?

Today, the world communicates through text messages, e-mail and social media more than ever before. Even cats and dogs have their own social petworking accounts. But is this affecting our ability to speak, think and communicate effectively with each other and if so, do our keyboards need to move to one side and allow our…

Unexpected item in bagging area – why we need to retain our wisdom in the world of algorithms, automation and artificial intelligence

Unexpected item in bagging area – why we need to retain our wisdom in the world of algorithms, automation and artificial intelligence

As technology continues apace, more and more of what used to be done by humans has become the domain of the machine. From the automated supermarket checkout through to smart contracts and on-line banking, technology has helped us to transact more quickly and more easily…or has it? Unfortunately, for many, automation has provided more frustration…